Tourist guidebook for hiking

Gudebook MALESHEVIJA Overview Tourist GUIDEBOOK for Maleshevo region with information about hiking trails and places to visit. Informational map signs about hiking trails in the region. Design of guidebook for active tourism Branding and promotional materials Design of informational map signs

Eurodoor – Company Website

Eurodoor Overview Eurodoor company for automatic doors systems info website. SEO optimization for the website. Full customization of the website Full optimization for all devices SEO Optimization Joomla driven website Client: Eurodoor Kom

4F Studios – Game Info Website

4F Studios Overview Game info website with an interactive showcase of the games that are created by 4F Studios.  From sketch up to website Full customization of the website Full optimization for all devices Client: X3M Labs

Maria’s World Foundation – WooCommerce Website

Maria’s World Overview Maria’s World Foundation shop website for selling products. Full implementation and configuration of the store built with WooCommerce.  Challenging for this website was the customization of the system for paying and shipping products to clients. From design to website Full customization of the website Customization of system for registering runners and payment […]

AveNew Residence

Back to Portfolio AveNew Residence Residence complex website. From sketch up to website Full customization of the website Implementing interactive floor system showcase and floor design drawings Full optimization for all devices

Pelister Ultra-Trail – Outdoor Festival Website

Pelister Ultra-Trail Overview Ultra Trail event branding and building a website. Challenging for this website was the implementation and customization of the system for registration of participants for the events.  From sketch up to website Full customization of the website Customization of system for registering runners and payment system Full optimization for all devices Visual […]